Sai thought for the day. Shirdi Sai Baba quotes. Free email subscription - daily delivery right in your email inbox.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
To attain the highest end, —goal— Dhyana is very important
To attain the highest end, —goal— Dhyana is very important. By deep meditation the Vrittjs—thoughts—are
calmed and made one-pointed. Quite desireless and with firm determination, you should meditate on the
Lord who is in all creatures.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Anything, however small that is offered to Me with full love and devotion, that I readily accept.
Anything, however small that is offered to Me with full love and devotion, that I readily accept. Even
if the world is offered to Me with pride and sense of ego, that I immediately reject. What I accept is
love and not the object offered. Note that I do not accept from all. I have to give back a hundred
times more than what I receive.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Those who are fortunate and whose sins are at an end seek Me and worship
Those who are fortunate and whose sins are at an end seek Me and worship Me. No need for any big show
or paraphernalia. Let My name —Sai, Sai—be uttered in wholehearted devotion and with a melting heart
one-pointed. Your difficulties will vanish in an instant and I shall redeem you from all sins. Believe
Thursday, March 28, 2013
He who sees Me in every living creature and with pity feeds every creature
He who sees Me in every living creature and with pity feeds every creature, really feeds Me.
There is none dearer to Me than he. You should not harm any creature. You should not be harsh to the
poor and the forlorn. You should never despise those maimed and suffering from loathsome diseases. See
Me in all these. If you do, you have no fear of births and deaths.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
As long as a mirror is covered with dust and dirt
As long as a mirror is covered with dust and dirt, so long it cannot reflect the Sun. Once the dust and
dirt is scrubbed away, the Sun shines forth. Similarly with our mind. As long as it is filled with evil
thoughts and insatiable desires, so long it cannot reflect the self within. Once we cleanse our mind of
all these ills and keep it pure, calm and serene, wisdom, Gnana, shines forth, exhibiting the real
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
The Self is beyond knowledge and ignorance
The Self is beyond knowledge and ignorance. Knowledge is only a
means and not an end by itself-To get over this illusion which is ever perplexing and bewildering, and
to cross the miserable and all consuming whirlpool of existence, Samsara, one should get hold of a Guru
as a person struggling for life and lost in an unfathomable rough sea catches a raft. Though wave after
wave of temptation and delusion may try to upset him, every moment he should steadfastly stick to his
Guru as the drowning man hugs the raft without losing his hold on it to save himself. Have firm belief
in the Guru.
Monday, March 25, 2013
When there is self-awareness which is pure consciousness
Mind, body and the world have no existence of their own devoid of the "Self." They are like shadows.
When there is self-awareness which is pure consciousness, Suddha Chaitanya, all the hallucinations
caused by Avidya , ignorance, with the help of the mind, body and the senses on the imaginary screen
called the world vanish automatically.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
There is no such thing as realizing the " Self."
There is no such thing as realizing the " Self." What a Guru does is only
removal of the veil of ignorance that regards the ego with all its myriad appearances and feelings
created by the mind and the senses as the real self. This done, what remains is the Self Absolute, Real
and Eternal. It is the Self that existed, that exists and will exist for ever. The Self has no
beginning and no end. The Self is formless and is not limited by shape, time or space.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
It is ego that creates this world with all its transient joys and sorrows.
All the maladies arise because man does not shed, his ego, feels that his body is everything. It is ego
that creates this world with all its transient joys and sorrows.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Trust in the Guru fully and wholeheartedly
Trust in the Guru fully and wholeheartedly. Leave off all doubts. That is the only Sadhana. Guru is
God. Guru is everything. He is your mother, father, well wisher, relative and true friend. Seeing all
as Guru is the highest state and he who feels Him in every creature verily becomes Myself.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Why do you fear when I am everywhere?
Why do you fear when I am everywhere? I have to think of My devotees. If a devotee is about to
fall, lam bound to protect him. At every step, I have to take care of you. Else, what will happen to
you ! God knows.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
If a person trusts Me and leaves everything to Me
If a person trusts Me and leaves everything to Me, I will never let him fall. I will give My head to
save him. I am Bhakta Paradheena—the bonded slave of My devotees.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
He need not fear anything for body or soul.
If a person considers Me his sole refuge withdrawing his mind from all worldly objects and pleasures,
he gains Paramartha. He need not fear anything for body or soul. In the abode of My devotees there will
be no dearth of food or clothing.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Sunday, March 17, 2013
I am quite aware of everything you do.
Whatever you do, wherever you are, I am quite aware of everything you do. Bear this in mind always. I
will be with you the instant you think of Me and need My help. Fear not.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
My stories are listened to with rapt attention and intense faith
If My stories are listened to with rapt attention and intense faith, one is cured of all diseases of
mind and body.
Friday, March 15, 2013
My name as ' Sai Sai ' in good faith
The mere utterance of My name as ' Sai Sai ' in good faith will remove sins of speech and also those of
New well organised blog dedicated to Shirdi Sai Baba
We are happy and thrilled to let you know that we have launched a new blog/website dedicated to Shirdi Sai Baba.
We have chosen a new platform to share short stories of Baba with a user friendly and website/blog.
If you are interested in reading Sai Baba's short miraculous and devotion enhancing stories do vist
and subscribe to the email list and/or bookmark the website.
If are few articles which you might have missed -
We have chosen a new platform to share short stories of Baba with a user friendly and website/blog.
If you are interested in reading Sai Baba's short miraculous and devotion enhancing stories do vist
and subscribe to the email list and/or bookmark the website.
If are few articles which you might have missed -
Monday, March 11, 2013
Baba wants complete Surrender
Baba wants complete Surrender
Baba (to Buty): Curly locks, Give me 16 1/2 Rs.Dakshina.
Buty: I have not got the money here now.
B: Go to Kaka and ask him for 16 1/2 Rs. and be listening to the Pothi, he is reading.
Buty accordingly came to H.S.D. and asked for Rs. 16 1/2.
H.S.D.: I have got only Rs. I/- and cannot pay Rs. 161/2.
Buty: Baba asked me however to listen to your Pothi.
Then H.S.D. read on his Bhagavatam and the first Stanza that came there was “Kayan vacha” etc., which refers to complete surrender of all acts to God.
So Baba wanted complete surrender to him as he was God.
But where is 16 1/2 in that stanza? For one thing, there are 17 phrases in it.
For another thing, the objects for surrender are 16, but "Chitta has been omitted, in the text, "says the commentary. That will make it 17, but Chitta is only ½ . So 161/2 objects mentioned there had to be surrendered to Baba, as amounting to complete Surrender.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Do all who go to Baba, get benefit?
Do all who go to Baba, get benefit?
Damodar S.Rasane, thought of this question in his mind and sat before Baba.
Baba: Look at the mango tree in blossom. If all flowers turned fruit, what a splendid crop it will be? But do they? Most fall of (either as flowers or, as unripe fruits, by wind etc.) Very few remain.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Baba, What is God like?
A visitor: Baba, What is God like?
Baba: (Not addressing the visitor but addressing a devotee X ) Go to Bagchand Marwadi and tell him Baba wants Rs.100/- and bring the money.
X (returning in a minute): The Marwadi says he has no money and sends his namaskars.
Baba: Go to the next money lender and ask him for a loan of Rs.100/- for me.
X (returning in a minute): He says he has not got the money.
Baba: Fetch Nana Saheb Chandorkar (and when Nana came)
Baba: Nana, I want Rs.100/-
Then Nana wrote a chit to Bagchand Marwadi for a loan of Rs.100.
The money was at once sent by the Marwadi.
Baba: All is like this in the world.
Visitor later on to Das Ganu Maharaj: Why did not Baba answer my question?
D.G: He has.
Visitor: How?
D G: When others asked for money, it was not forthcoming. Nana Saheb asked for it and got it at once. Similarly the man who merely wants to know Brahman does not get it. It is he who is qualified to know it that gets it. Baba’s answer is, “Deserve, before you desire ( Brahman)”.
Surrender five – if you want Brahman
Friday, March 8, 2013
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Who is God?
N G Chandorkar to Baba
Who is God?
What is He like?
Where is He?
How are we see Him?
Baba: I will tell you later on.
Baba: (later)
Baddhas, (the very worldly) do not know or observe the difference between right and wrong or what God is. They have no moral tendencies.
Ever immersed in the world, (and impure in heart), having no faith in Scriptures or saints, they do not get to God-but go to Hell.
The Mumukshus, disgusted with the baddha state, begin vichara and viveka and thirst for the sight of God. They are devoted to God and observe the Moral Law.
They become sadhakas, by adopting sadhanas e.g., repetition of God’s name (Japa) and (Dhyana) meditation on god, in solitude, withdrawing their minds from objects of senses. they love to move with Saints.
These, when perfect are called Siddhas. At that stage, God becomes the same as man; praise, the same as blame etc., They have no desires. They are past the notion that the body is their home or their self. They feel their self to be identical with God. “I am Brahman” is their feeling.
To know God, see how God is viewed by each of these, at each stage. Then ultimately, God is seen as manifested in all forms – moveable and immovable.
God is everywhere. there is no place from which he is absent. But behold the power of Maya that does not allow Eswara to be seen and recognized (in all). I, you and all the world are Amsa i.e., parts of the Lord.
Therefore let none hate others, Forget not that God is in every place.
Thereby Love (Non-hatred) is there, of itself. when that springs up, everything is achieved.
Who is God?
What is He like?
Where is He?
How are we see Him?
Baba: I will tell you later on.
Baba: (later)
Baddhas, (the very worldly) do not know or observe the difference between right and wrong or what God is. They have no moral tendencies.
Ever immersed in the world, (and impure in heart), having no faith in Scriptures or saints, they do not get to God-but go to Hell.
The Mumukshus, disgusted with the baddha state, begin vichara and viveka and thirst for the sight of God. They are devoted to God and observe the Moral Law.
They become sadhakas, by adopting sadhanas e.g., repetition of God’s name (Japa) and (Dhyana) meditation on god, in solitude, withdrawing their minds from objects of senses. they love to move with Saints.
These, when perfect are called Siddhas. At that stage, God becomes the same as man; praise, the same as blame etc., They have no desires. They are past the notion that the body is their home or their self. They feel their self to be identical with God. “I am Brahman” is their feeling.
To know God, see how God is viewed by each of these, at each stage. Then ultimately, God is seen as manifested in all forms – moveable and immovable.
God is everywhere. there is no place from which he is absent. But behold the power of Maya that does not allow Eswara to be seen and recognized (in all). I, you and all the world are Amsa i.e., parts of the Lord.
Therefore let none hate others, Forget not that God is in every place.
Thereby Love (Non-hatred) is there, of itself. when that springs up, everything is achieved.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Let me be free from the whirl of births and deaths
In October 1917 ? Baba spoke to a Bombay Lady.
Baba : Mother, what do you want? Ask for it.
Lady: Let me be free from the whirl of births and deaths.
Baba (laughing): Is this all you want? What! have you come to die?
Lady (shocked): Baba, I do not at all understand you
Baba: Think who you are.
Lady: I do not understand.
Baba (pointing to her husband): He will tell you.
Then the lady went with her husband to her lodgings and asked him what Baba meant.
Husband: Baba's words are mysterious. I cannot be sure I have made out his meaning. Probably he means something like this. The Jiva goes on reincarnating any number of times till it gets Sakshatkar i.e., sees or realizes God. Baba is God. But people seing him do not get full faith and do not see him i.e., feel him to be God; and hence they do not get Mukti.
One must learn from the sastras, that essentially Jiva and Siva are one. You think yourself to be a Jiva is it not?
Lady: Yes.
Husband: Baba and the Sastras want you to regard youself as Siva or God.
Lady: No. No. I am a petty sinner-a Jiva and not the great God Siva.
Husband: No doubt that is your feeling. But Baba means that by constantly regarding youself as God, your deeply ingrained belief that you are only a finite Jiva will be removed. This process continued, may be through numerous births and strengthened and helped by contact with saints will give you the firm belief that you are Brahman. That must be Baba’s meaning.
(The pair again returned to Dwaraka Mai)
Baba: Mother, I have listened (from here) to all that your husband told you. Keep that in mind.
Baba : Mother, what do you want? Ask for it.
Lady: Let me be free from the whirl of births and deaths.
Baba (laughing): Is this all you want? What! have you come to die?
Lady (shocked): Baba, I do not at all understand you
Baba: Think who you are.
Lady: I do not understand.
Baba (pointing to her husband): He will tell you.
Then the lady went with her husband to her lodgings and asked him what Baba meant.
Husband: Baba's words are mysterious. I cannot be sure I have made out his meaning. Probably he means something like this. The Jiva goes on reincarnating any number of times till it gets Sakshatkar i.e., sees or realizes God. Baba is God. But people seing him do not get full faith and do not see him i.e., feel him to be God; and hence they do not get Mukti.
One must learn from the sastras, that essentially Jiva and Siva are one. You think yourself to be a Jiva is it not?
Lady: Yes.
Husband: Baba and the Sastras want you to regard youself as Siva or God.
Lady: No. No. I am a petty sinner-a Jiva and not the great God Siva.
Husband: No doubt that is your feeling. But Baba means that by constantly regarding youself as God, your deeply ingrained belief that you are only a finite Jiva will be removed. This process continued, may be through numerous births and strengthened and helped by contact with saints will give you the firm belief that you are Brahman. That must be Baba’s meaning.
(The pair again returned to Dwaraka Mai)
Baba: Mother, I have listened (from here) to all that your husband told you. Keep that in mind.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
we should not engage in contest with such people
About 1915 R.A Tarkhad, Managing Director of a mill, got into a compartment at Manmad in the dark and was fighting for a seat with a police constable, who was there. When R.A.T. arrived at Shirdi.
Baba: With whom were you persisting in contest this morning? Bhav (brother), we should not engage in contest with such people! "Who are We?" This we must enquire into.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Friday, March 1, 2013
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