Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I look equally on all

I look equally on all. Not a leaf moves, except by my grace. I look on all with equal eye

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

As soon as a devotee calls unto me with love

As soon as a devotee calls unto me with love, I will appear. I require no train to travel

Monday, October 29, 2012

That Fakir (God) is very kind

As soon as one climbs the steps of the mosque suffering due to Karma are at end and joy, begins. That Fakir (God) is very kind and will relive your troubles.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

This is not a mosque. It is Dwarkamai.

This is not a mosque. It is Dwarkamai. Those who seek refuge in her will never be harmed.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012

I am in the water, in dry places

 I am in the water, in dry places, in woods, amidst crowds, and in the solitary wilderness. I am in the fire and in ether. I am not limited to any place.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sometimes I come as dog

Sometimes I come as dog, sometimes as pig.
The devotee who recognizes me in each form and treats me adequately is blessed.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I am with you wherever you may be

 I am with you wherever you may be.
I do not require conveyance to take me.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012

Sunday, October 21, 2012

I will not allow my devotees to come to harm

I will not allow my devotees to come to harm. I have to take thought for my devotees. And if a devotee is about to fall, I stretch out my hands, and thus with four, four (i.e. a number of ), outstretched hands at time to support him, I will not let him fall.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Look to me; I will look to you.

    If you make me the sole object of your thoughts and aims, you will gain Paramartha. (supreme Goal)
Look to me; I will look to you.

Friday, October 19, 2012

If, one ever dwells on me

If, one ever dwells on me in his mind and will not even taste food before offering it to me, I am his slave. so also if he hungers and thirsts after me, and treats all else as unimportant.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

I will be with you

 I will be with you, whenever and wherever you think of me. Do not fear.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

You should have truth always with you

You should have truth always with you. then I shall be always with you, wherever you are, and at all times.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

if one ever meditates on me

if one ever meditates on me, repeats my name, signs my deeds, and is thus transformed into me, one’s Karma is destroyed. I stay by his side always.

Monday, October 15, 2012

That Fakir (God) is very kind and will relive your troubles

As soon as one climbs the steps of the mosque suffering due to Karma are at end and joy, begins. That Fakir (God) is very kind and will relive your troubles.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

First give bread to the hungry and then eat yourself.

First give bread to the hungry and then eat yourself. I am roaming in their forms. He who sees Me in all is My beloved.
I have to suffer for My devotees, their difficulties are  Mine

Saturday, October 13, 2012

One has to reap what one sows

One has to reap what one sows, and there is no escape unless one suffers and squares up one's old debts and dealings with others. Greed for money drags the greedy man to the lowest level and ultimately brings destruction on him and others.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Simply say “Sai” “Sai” with heart overflowing.

Simply say “Sai” “Sai” with heart overflowing. I care not for show of respect and forms, I rest in such devotees.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Place your entire faith in my words

 Place your entire faith in my words. Your object will be accomplished.

I am formless and everywhere.

How I suffer for my devotees

To everybody Sai Baba showed plague boils on his thighs and said, " Look how I have to suffer for my devotees. My devotees sufferings, I consider my own.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

you have no fear of births and deaths

He who sees Me in every living creature and with pity feeds every creature, really feeds Me. There is none dearer to Me than he. You should not harm any creature. You should not be harsh to the poor and the forlorn. You should never despise those maimed and suffering from loathsome diseases. See Me in all these. If you do, you have no fear of births and deaths.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Once Guru’s grace cleanse our mind of all these ills

As long as a mirror is covered with dust and dirt, so long it cannot reflect the Sun. Once the dust and dirt is scrubbed away, the Sun shines forth. Similarly with our mind, as long as it is filled with evil thoughts and insatiable desires, so long it cannot reflect the self within. Once Guru’s grace cleanse our mind of all these ills and keep it pure, calm and serene, wisdom, Gnana, shines forth, exhibiting the real self.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Love in the mother's (Guru) gaze (Nazar)

Love in the mother's (Guru) gaze is enough to bring happiness and contentment to the little tortoises(disciple, devotees).
Shri Sai SatCharitra Chapter 18

Steadfastly stick to his Guru as the drowning man hugs the raft without losing his hold on it to save himself.

Mind, body and the world have no existence of their own devoid of the "Self." They are like shadows. When there is self-awareness which is pure consciousness, Suddha Chaitanya, all the hallucinations caused by Avidya , ignorance, with the help of the mind, body and the senses on the imaginary screen called the world vanish automatically. The Self is beyond knowledge and ignorance. Knowledge is only a means and not an end by itself-To get over this illusion which is ever perplexing and bewil­dering, and to cross the miserable and all consuming whirlpool of existence, Samsara, one should get hold of a Guru as a person struggling for life and lost in an unfathomable rough sea catches a raft. Though wave after wave of temptation and delusion may try to upset him, every moment he should steadfastly stick to his Guru as the drowning man hugs the raft without losing his hold on it to save himself. Have firm belief in the Guru.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

All the maladies arise because man does not shed, his ego, feels that his body is everything.

All the maladies arise because man does not shed, his ego, feels that his body is everything. It is ego that creates this world with all its transient joys and sorrows. The world is only a combination of different objects perceived by the sense organs. It is the kaleidoscopic effect of one's own mind and cravings of the senses. By self-introspection, one realises the truth about the all-pervading, secondless and Absolute Self and in that realisa­tion the ego is destroyed, the world vanishes and indescribable eternal Bliss and Peace , Suddha Chaitanya, follows. In truth, this is the natural state of the " Self." All other states created by the mind and the senses are illusory and delude the real nature of the " Self." There is no such thing as realising the " Self." What a Guru does is the removal of the veil of ignorance that regards the ego with all its myriad appearances and feelings created by the mind and the senses as the real self. This done, what remains is the Self Absolute, Real and Eternal. It is the Self that existed, that exists and will exist for ever. The Self has no beginning and no end. The Self is formless and is not limited by shape, time or space.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Leave off all doubts.

Trust in the Guru fully and wholeheartedly. Leave off all doubts. That is the only Sadhana. Guru is God. Guru is everything. He is your mother, father, well wisher, relative and true friend. Seeing all as Guru is the highest state and he who feels Him in every creature verily becomes Myself.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Why do you fear when I am everywhere?

Why do you fear  when  I  am everywhere? I have to think of My devotees.    If a devotee is about  to fall, lam bound to protect him.    At every step, I have to take care of you. Else, what will happen to you ! God knows.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

If a person considers Me his sole refuge withdrawing his mind from all worldly objects and pleasures, he gains Paramartha. He need not fear anything for body or soul. In the abode of My devotees there will be no dearth of food or clothing.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Fear not.

Whatever you do, wherever you are, I am quite aware of everything you do. Bear this in mind always. I will be with you the instant you think of Me and need My help. Fear not.

Monday, October 1, 2012

If a person places his burden on Me and trusts Me in full faith

If a person places his burden on Me and trusts Me in full faith, I bear his burden and protect him.