The attitude of ' you ' and ' me ' is this wall between the guru and his disciple. If it is not pulled down, the state of oneness between them is difficult to breach.
Sai thought for the day. Shirdi Sai Baba quotes. Free email subscription - daily delivery right in your email inbox.
The attitude of ' you ' and ' me ' is this wall between the guru and his disciple. If it is not pulled down, the state of oneness between them is difficult to breach.
My Master says, 'Take O take this away!' Everyone says, 'Give give only to me!' But no one heeds my words. No one listens to me attentively!
God has agents everywhere; they have vast powers. I have very great powers and I am the slave of God. God is the Lord and Master.
From Sai Baba the Mater chapter 7
This universe is all a leela (illusion, play) of God.
God's ways are unique, inscrutable and mysterious.
Without unflinching Faith and Patience, you will not see God. One who has both these will undoubtedly find Him.
If the body falls, without having known this Brahman, the bondage of worldly life will follow and rebirth will become inevitable.
For the sake of Brahma one has to surrender five vital airs, the five organs of Knowledge, the five organs of Action, ego, intellect and mind.